“Once you begin to experience the perfect act of love and mercy demonstrated on the cross, it melts your heart. The only way you can respond is with love and a desire to please God. This reciprocal fellowship of love is the impetus for change in our model.”
— John Leonard, Founder & CEO

A Problem of the Heart

We were created to worship. It’s in our DNA. The problem occurs when things like comfort, control and escape begin to function as gods for us. Turning to these counterfeit gods over and over again can have a cumulative effect on our lives.  Over time we can become slaves to our own desires.  This is the idolatry of addiction.  In order to break free from this enslavement we must reorient our identity and replace the selfish desires of the heart with a new affection. 

The Gospel Changes Us

God loves us so much that he was willing to humble himself by becoming a man, live the perfect life that we could never live and suffer the death that we deserved in order to rescue us. Even though we wanted nothing to do with him! As we begin to see and experience this truth, we are compelled to reciprocate with love and a desire to please Him. This reciprocal fellowship of love and intimacy with Christ motivates us to live a life of repentance and to honor and worship Him in all that we do. This reorientation of our affections is the motivation for change in the Redemption House community.

Change is a Community Project

We are called to be holy but we cannot truly experience the holiness of God until we get to the end of ourselves. God created us to live in community. We cannot change on our own. We must look outside of ourselves and become a part of something greater and more powerful than we are. Through the forgiveness and acceptance we have in Christ, we are able to be honest and real with each other. After all, the Christian life is meant to be lived in the open.

Redemption House is a practice ground where residents learn how to experience real joy and superior satisfaction through fellowship with Christ and each other. Residents repent with joy and celebrate the small but cumulative victories over their own selfish desires. Over time, incorporating God's will into the details of life empowers us and we are able to worship our way out of addiction.

Redemption House is not a clinical or medical treatment center. As a Christ-centered, faith-based, sober living ministry we require that residents are fully detoxed and medically stable upon admission.

“You turned...from idols to serve the living and true God” 1 Thessalonians 1:9
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